Sunday, March 16, 2014

Consultation and Training

I am very excited about developing a new division of our training which will offer on line training and consultation. I want this new service to be exactly what you need. To make sure that I understand your struggles and triumphs exactly, would you be willing to take this on line survey? It is called The Joys and Challenges of your job and can be found at:

I would greatly appreciate it. It is short. It is in narrative rather than check boxes because I want to understand you with depth.

I am currently considering a model such as described below. Would you please click on comments and tell me what you think of this- would it be valuable to you? Do you think that you or your agency would purchase it?

An individual or agency subscribes for a specified time period.
During this time, they receive a certain number of training modules.
    Each module consists of a video, transcript, work sheet, and resources
    They are able to download these things and save them
     Topics for modules might include things like:
         How do you know if you are doing trauma informed care?
         A checklist of trauma informed practices
         What can administrators do to promote TIC
         How to formulate and plan treatment
          Maintaining a trauma informed focus in times of stress
          Responding to behaviors that hurt others
During the time period the subscriber has access to once-a week office hours where questions can be discussed.
Furthermore, the subscriber has access to email consultation through which the consultant answers questions and provides additional resources.
For agency subscriptions there are additional elements such as exercises to bring teams together, recognition of accomplishments, notification to administrators when some one completes a module, etc
During this time the subscriber also can join a private FaceBook group consisting of all the subscribers and thus belong to a larger community. This group continues after the time period is over. There is additional less intensive contact and resources after time period is over.   

I am eager to hear your ideas to improve this concept. Thank you for taking the survey and responding to my ideas.

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