Monday, May 26, 2014

Five Benefits of Risking Connection© Training

This week I taught a Risking Connection© Basic three-day training for a Connecticut agency. 

This agency provides various types of home-based services, school-based mental health clinics, out patient clinics, parent resource centers, and day care. It was a joy to teach such caring and thoughtful people. At the end of the training we did an exercise that involved people saying what they would keep from the training. Here are the top five things staff will keep:

  1. I learned tools that help me understand my clients’ behaviors in a new way
  2. I have new ideas for how to help my clients more effectively.
  3. I feel more connected to my agency and the individuals within it.
  4. I feel more valued by my agency.
  5. I learned it is okay to be a human being with human feelings, and how to take care of myself to remain energized and hopeful.

It is always inspiring to participate in the increase of hope and energy that this training creates.

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