Is any one attending either the Black Administrators in Child Welfare (in Baltimore) or the Child Welfare of America (in Washington D.C.) conferences next week? I am presenting at both and would love to see you there. If you read this blog, please introduce yourself to me at the conferences.
My workshops are:
Friday afternoon
C-4 Creating a Culture of Connection in Residential Treatment
This workshop explores the transformation of a Residential Treatment Center into a trauma-informed, relationship-based treatment program. It explains the Restorative
Approach theory of change, new language used, specific treatment techniques and response to acting-out behaviors. The Risking Connection Curriculum-trauma framework, therapeutic relationships, counter-transference and vicarious
traumatization-will be introduced.
Moderator: Dr. Sharlyn Bobo, Washington, DC
Presenters: Patricia D. Wilcox, Vice President of Strategic Development; T’Kai Howard, Coordinator, Nia Sage House, Klingberg Family Centers, New Britain, CT
Tuesday morning
C11 Creating a Culture of Connection in Residential Treatment
This presentation explores the transformation of a residential treatment center into a trauma-informed, relationship-based treatment program. It explains the restorative approach theory of change, the new language used, specific treatment techniques, and the response to acting-out behaviors and it introduces the Risking Connection Curriculum. Presenter: Patricia Wilcox, Vice President of Strategic Development, Klingberg Family Centers, New Britain, CT
Hope to meet you there!
Staff Care: a New Spin on Team Building
13 years ago